Huang Ming who dominate the solar water heater VS Xu Xinjian

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Huang Ming, who dominate the VS Xu Xinjian

    In talking about the development of industry trends, they can not bypass the industry leader and the biggest dark horse Wong Ming Sun Rain, if the two companies to bypass the solar water heater industry to talk about the future of the industry probably will be ridiculed.

The head of the Emperor Ming Huang Ming, native of Jiangsu, end over the iron rice bowl, hi-tech background, it is about to start a business into the fourth decade, after years of hard work, and finally laid in the solar water heater industry leadership. Xu, the new helmsman of rain the sun, grew up in Jiangsu Dong Xin farm, wind and sun all year round may be the reason, color some black, angular face, giving a resolute and decisive sense, public-spirited philanthropy, in his Under the leadership of the sun the rain just a few years among the industry\\ s first camp.

Has long been concerned about the solar industry, in line with the attitude of learning to the two CEOs on their individual companies and their leaders to explore the shallow, solar water heater industry in the future to reveal the pattern of the iceberg.

Godfather Gangster VS

Some very early to Huang Mingguan to \"solar godfather\" of the title, the solar water heater industry, he did painstaking efforts, the first promotion of solar science knowledge, so that many colleagues benefit, on the professional achievements and industry contributions, in the industry out of its difficult the right person, can be described by this well-deserved award, well deserved. On the social awareness, Huang Ming Xu side by side with the new can not, but this does not affect his position in the industry\\ s big brother, I do not know no one in the industry, known to everybody, he was unknown to a small solar water heater factory, just few years, playing a first-line brands, so many peers eyebrows.

\"The Godfather\" strong comprehensive strength in product development has certain advantages, the concept of good manufacturing the product, brand awareness is high, always adhere to the \"high quality\" business strategy, market policies, but a bit stiff, the channel attracted dissatisfied; \"big brother \"Although the market started a little late, but always learning attitude, raised world wide talented people, know how to avoid weaknesses, with a flexible marketing strategy, continue to break the soil to expand.

Wong Ming Sun Yu Department of Department of VS

Emperor Ming Huang Ming\\ s there, 100 million, Ou Dike three brands, namely high, medium, low brand positioning. Emperor Ming of the earliest launch date, whichever is Huang Ming, chairman of the homonym, the industry\\ s most recognized brands; Wong Ming has just launched million can, not only secretive, but also to the public that million can be a competitive partner Emperor Ming is, indeed, the dealers and consumers fooled one; may accept the previous lesson, not as open with their trick, when Emperor Ming Ou Dike more high-profile launch, market performance to be seen.

Xu\\ s a new sun, rain, seasons Mu-song two brands are basically the same market positioning, market performance is also matched. However, this is \"a team of multiple brands\" mode of operation, and operation of the Department of Wong Ming much the same way, in order to make consumers believe that the two companies products, specifically the registration of the Four Seasons songs Mu-election in the Beijing, a Jiangsu Sun Yu, a Beijing Four Seasons Mu-song, really difficult for consumers to know the truth is difficult to distinguish.

On brand awareness, the Emperor Ming, compared with the sun, rain, sun, rain disadvantage, 100 million and confront the Four Seasons song Mu, Mu-song Seasons slightly better, because Ou Dike propaganda low visibility with more than 4 can not brands compared to that in the current solar water heater industry, on the company\\ s overall competitiveness, the ability to compete against Emperor Ming University, non-rain system is none other than the sun.

According to legend, Emperor Ming Group known as \"the solar industry\\ s Whampoa Military Academy\", for the solar industry to develop a lot of talent, one from the marketing talent to see, is indeed a lot of elite culture. Xu\\ s two new tiger – Rong-Hua Chen and Li Jun have all been served in the imperial Ming Group, solar water heater business in any other marketing positions are also a lot of people.

Xu Yu new knowledge before it is a master. As the old saying goes: \"a woman makes herself, who was friends to die\", with the boss of her and trust, employees will naturally work very hard, sun, rain, and the reason why the development of the four seasons Mu-song so fast, it is precisely because Chen Ronghua Li Jun and other talented and generous help.

3G standard CCTV Championship VS

It is understood, 3G standard refers to the security (guarantee), comfort (grand) and green (green), Huang Ming Solar to overturn the traditional 3G Solar, beyond the electric fuel heater, established \"a large, two silly, three full, four bright, eight against \"the use of standards. China Renewable Energy Society, vice president of Mengxian Gan said: \"3G technology is the solar energy solar energy industry\\ s latest research, the change in people\\ s way of life, improve the quality of life has a positive role.\" Huang Ming Solar water heaters can 3G detonated industry change in the situation? Too early to conclude now, but it represents the industry\\ s development.

After dropping 102.8 million yuan last year, this year\\ s ad bidding CCTV gold resources, sun, rain and real money invested 140 million yuan, Mu-song Seasons is even more generous to come up with $ 220 million bid \"hear the world exclusive title.\" April, September, weather special, March, May, October, weather, 1 + 1 prime advertising resources, advertising, etc.; Xu Hao why throw new 360 million yuan? With Li Jun\\ s words, \"they are optimistic about building a socialist new countryside development opportunity\" and its purpose is very clear, that is the brand with the power of CCTV, focusing on stimulating the rural market sales. Money has been spent out in the end is \"the sound of tons of gold advertising\" or \"??????? \\ , it is hard to say. Clear \"the system development effort, breakthroughs, leaving short board\" of the marketing ideas, the Department\\ s chances of winning the rain the sun will be larger.

Solar water heaters, Who?

Huang Ming\\ s business idea is \"from the strong to the big\" first company stronger, do not rush to do the most, stick to the healthy development of the road, perhaps with Huang Ming scholar-type personality. Department of the sun the rain the past few years by the rapid progress of the market, you can clearly see the development of new ideas Xu \"from big to strong\" is the first company to achieve the maximum plate, and then physical health of bone, believe in fast beyond the Road; Sun Yu Group ambitious \"533 100 Plan\", the ambition to show the new Xu exhaustive. \"From strong to big\" and \"from big to strong\" represent two very different business development ideas, whether it is \"from the strong to the big\" or \"from big to strong\", the ultimate goal is to make the company stronger.

\"Solar countryside\" has sounded the clarion call of competition, the current solar market is in a melee, Darwin \"survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest\" rule also applies to the ecological solar water heater industry. Solar water heater industry\\ s future is bright, the potential is enormous, Emperor Ming University and Department of rain the sun has a solid strength, the future king is likely to arise between them.

But who can eventually dominate the solar water heater industry? I can not jump to conclusions, because marketing is a complicated systematic project, not only depends on the company\\ s capital, technology, branding, advertising and other hard power, but also business people who use, channel relationships and soft power.

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